Join the STL AIGA Board

Being on the AIGA St. Louis Board Is a great opportunity to build connections with local members, partners, other designers and creatives in the community. Help craft and put on events, design campaigns, and make an impact with students. You’ll gain valuable leadership skills, network with design leaders, and attend events for free.

Make a Difference in Your Community by joining the AIGA Board!

  • Sponsorship & Partnership Chair

    This Chair fosters a relationship of mutual benefit between AIGA Saint Louis and representatives from allied fields who service the design community. This usually occurs in the form of cash or in-kind sponsorship for Chapter events. This chair will work closely with the Programming Chair in establishing a calendar and identifying potential sponsors for Chapter events and activities. The Sponsorship Chair works closely with an executive committee to accomplish development goals.

  • in-House Chair

    As part of AIGA’s Initiative, the In-House Chair focuses on engaging, educating and recruiting in-house designers to become members of AIGA.

  • Volunteer Chair

    The volunteer chair is responsible for maintaining a living document of all volunteers available to AIGA St. Louis for events, committees, and other opportunities. Volunteer chairs are responsible for helping to coordinate volunteers with the appropriate chairs  for events, as well as help at the event to do volunteer orientation and management.

  • Programming Director

    The Programming Chair works with all Board members to plan an annual calendar that reflects activities consistent with AIGA’s mission and meets the needs of the Saint Louis, Chapter members. This chair develops and produces quality and effective programming. They work closely with fellow board members to build successful programs. He or she oversees and assists Event Chairs with the planning of their events, notably establishing and tracking of the event budgets (work with Bookkeeper), and time management; and assists in securing speakers, sponsors and venues when needed.

  • Education Director

    The Education Director/Chair promotes and expands local student and faculty participation in the design community, serving as a liaison between AIGA National, AIGA Saint Louis and Student Group Faculty Advisors.